How to gathering information for your evaluation using electronic forms

  • You can now send forms electronically within Evalubox. Evalubox helps you create forms and sends them for you via email to any recipient(s) of your choice.
  • You can select the questions you want in your form. You can send forms with all the questions in a questionnaire or select the questions you want your recipients to answer.
  • You can send forms to multiple recipients.
  • Your forms are automatically translated for you. Send your parent questionnaires in any one of the 16 supported languages, and responses will be automatically translated for you.
  • Print or save responses as PDFs so that you can share them with others, add them to your files, or use them as needed.
  • View recent activity of your forms to see when the form was viewed, emails sent, completed, and other activities that occurred for this form.
  • Copy responses to use in your report.

Share Forms Workflow Video Overview:

How to Gather Information In Evalubox using Forms

  1. Open or create a new evaluation:
  2. Navigate to the overview section
  3. Click on Start Gathering
Click on Start Gathering to send forms electronically

Start Sharing Forms -> Add Form

You can start sharing questionnaire by clicking on Add Form

Steps: Add form -> Select Questionnaire -> Select Questions -> Add Recipients -> Review and Share form

Select one of the following questionnaires:

  • Parent Questionnaire
  • Teacher Questionnaire
  • Health Questionnaire

Select Questions

Preview form

Adding Recipients

  • A valid email is required: We will send form here
  • Auto-populated when you Client section is completed.
  • You need at least one recipient to continue

Remove Recipient


Select Question to Send form:

  • 16 Languages Available:
    • English
    • Spanish
    • Farsi
    • German
    • Bengali
    • Russian
    • Portuguese
    • Japanese
    • Mandarin
    • Haitian Creole
    • Arabic
    • Hmong
    • Hindi
    • Vietnamese
    • French
    • Quebec French

Preview Form:

Preview Email for each recipient:

Email Preview

Email Sent From Alias: Logged in user's First Name and Last Name

  • All emails will be sent as they're are coming from you

Reply-to: Logged In users email

  • All replies to this email will be sent to your email address

Subject: [Action Required] Complete {Client.FirstName} {Client.LastInitial} {Evaluation.Type} questionnaire

  • {Client.FirstName}: First name of the client or student
  • {Client.LastInitial}: Initial of the client or student Last Name
  • {Evaluation.Type}: Type of evaluation
    • Initial
    • Re-evaluation
    • Independent Educational Evaluation
    • Special Request
    • Other: You can add any type of evaluation

Preheader: Your input shaped {Client.FirstName} {Client.LastInitial} evaluation journey. Act now to make a difference

  • This shows a preview of the email in the recipients inbox (This may or may not show up dependign on the email provider and could be truncated dependign on the size of screen)

Email Template

Hi {Recipient.Name},

Please take a moment to fill out {Client.FirstName} {Client.LastInitial}'s {Form.Type} questionnaire by clicking on the link below:

[Start Questionnaire]

This is a {Form.Type} questionnaire for {Client.FirstName} {Client.LastInitial}'s {Evaluation.Type}.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

{Examiner.FirstName} {Examiner.LastName}, {Examiner.Credentials} {Examiner.Discipline}

PS: If you have any questions or need assistance completing the form, please don't hesitate to reply to this email. We're here to help.

The email template automatically populates the placeholders (text between brackets like {Place.Holder}) with the following details:

  • {Recipient.Name}: name of recipient you added to receive a form
  • {Client.FirstName}: First name of the client or student
  • {Client.LastInitial}: Initial of the client or student Last Name
  • {Evaluation.Type}: Type of evaluation
    • Initial
    • Re-evaluation
    • Independent Educational Evaluation
    • Special Request
    • Other: You can add any type of evaluation
  • {Examiner.FirstName}: Logged in user's First Name
  • {Examiner.LastName}: Logged in user's First Name
  • {Examiner.Credentials}: Logged in user's Credentials
  • {Examiner.Discipline}: Logged in user's Discipline

Send Form

Confirm Request:

Confirm your request by validating:

  • Recipients and email addresses (ensure you have valid email addresses)
  • Language Selected (if Parent form)

By clicking send, this will trigger a workflow:

  1. Creates a unique form for each recipient
  2. If parent form: Forms are created and displayed to recipient in the language selected.
  3. Email is sent to each recipient with a unique one-time link to complete form.
    1. When form is completed: Links become expired and are no longer accessible. (All forms links are single use links that expire after completion)
  4. Examiner will receive a blind carbon copy (BCC) for each email sent

After request has been processed, you will be see the list of forms you've just created and shared.

Forms Lists

Table columns:

  • Type
    • Type of form you shared: Parent, Teacher, Health
  • Recipient:
    • Name and email of recipient who received form
  • Language
    • Language form was sent in
  • Status
    • Current status of form
      • EMAIL SENT
  • Created
    • Date form was created
  • Link
    • You can copy active links to reshare
    • Links will be expired when completed
  • View Response
    • View form response page

Form with no response yet:

Completed Forms:

When forms are completed the following workflow is trigger:

  • Responses are saved and links expired
  • Translate responses:
    • If parent form and in other language other than english
  • Notify examiner via email -> New submission on {Form.Type} form for {Client.FirstName} {Client.LastInitial}'s {Evaluation.Type}
    • See Examiner New Submission Email
  • Notify recipient vial email -> Thank you for you submission - {Client.FirstName} {Client.LastInitial} {Evaluation.Type}
    • See Recipient Thank You Email

Examiner New Submission Email

Recipient Thank You Email:

Completed Response View:

Recent Form Activities:

Tracking what happens with your forms.

Printing Form Responses:

You can either save your responses as PDF or Print.

  • To Save as PDF
    • Click Destination Dropdown -> Select Save as PDF

Form Translations:

Copying individual response:

You can copy answers or translations by hovering over the text and clicking on the copy icon.

You can also edit individual forms

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out.

You can easily get in touch with us by clicking on the help icon, and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

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